Travelling: Guide to Eco-friendly and sustainable travel

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Eco-friendly and sustainable travel

Travelling is one of life’s most enriching experiences. It lets us discover new cultures, taste new cuisines, and create memories that last a lifetime. But as avid travellers, it’s essential for us to make choices that are kind to our planet. Here are some tips to make your next trip more eco-friendly, more budget friendly and sustainable.

  1. Plan and book

    1. Plan travel and accommodation in advance for better rates and discounts
    2. Choose accommodations with cooking facilities or access to markets to reduce takeaway and restaurant waste
    3. Consider airlines with eco-friendly practices to minimise carbon footprint and waste
    4. Join air miles programs to avail discounts
  2. Go Digital

    1. Use online boarding passes and itineraries
    2. Opt for e-tickets
    3. Make transactions digital whenever possible
    4. Choose digital tickets for museums, theatres, and other ticket-required places
    5. Save paper and simplify travel experiences.
    6. Download offline maps and translations.
  3. Carry your own snacks

    1. Avoid unhealthy, over packaged foods or disposable packets
    2. Save money by not buying overpriced airport food
    3. Prepare your own snacks
    4. Do bulk shopping for car travel
    5. Choose long-lasting foods that don’t require refrigeration
    6. Create a meal prep list
    7. Use zero-waste reusable containers
  4. Source second hand gear

    1. Checkout the local thrift shops, free sites for second hand Backpacks, travel gear, clothing, tents, and camping gear. Great way to make your travel budget achieve more .
    2. Alternatively, Renting items such as cameras, tents, camping gear, and BBQ sets can also contribute to sustainability.
    3. Rent out your travel gears to create an additional income stream.
  5. Toiletries and skin care products

    1. Prioritise minimalistic, essential, and multi-purpose items for your travel toiletries.
    2. Consider eco-friendly options like bamboo toothbrushes, bamboo earbuds, shampoo bars, zero waste floss, and compostable or deodorant in reusable containers.
    3. Say no to disposable razors and use safety or zero waste razors.
    4. Look for toiletries with no packaging, compostable packaging, or refillable packaging.
    5. Choose organic and skin-friendly products that are non-toxic to the environment. Avoid sunscreens with oxybenzone and octinoxate to protect coral reefs; opt for reef-friendly, organic alternatives.
    6. Women can reduce plastic waste by using menstrual pads, cloth pads, or menstrual discs instead of disposable products.
    7. Fill reusable travel-sized bottles with essential skincare products.
  6. Rechargeable or energy saving devices

    1. Opt for rechargeable batteries over regular ones.
    2. Maximise the use of your tech devices, choose multi functional devices where possible..
    3. Consider buying refurbished devices to save money and reduce electronic waste.
    4. Portable solar panels are an eco-friendly option for charging various devices.
    5. Use all-in-one converter plugs instead of multiple adapters to protect your devices from voltage fluctuations.
  7. Transportation

    1. Utilise public transportation options like metros, trams, trains, and buses when available.
    2. Consider carpooling for longer journeys to reduce the number of vehicles on the road.
    3. Choose to rent a bicycle instead of driving to save energy, reduce pollution, and maintain your health.
    4. When renting cars, prioritise hybrid vehicles for a more eco-friendly transportation choice.
  8. Waste disposal

    1. Dispose of waste responsibly
    2. Reuse and recycle when possible
    3. Avoid littering
    4. Leave visited places cleaner than you found them
    5. Participate in cleaning campaigns if available during your travels
  9. Pack light and sustainably

    1. Embrace minimalism for a more enjoyable experience.
    2. Bring reusable essentials: water bottles, metal straws, cutlery, and shopping bags.
    3. Minimise plastic usage for a greener impact.
    4. Pack only the necessities, avoiding excess items.
  10. Support local economy

    1. Support the local economy and artisans
    2. Shop for locally made, eco-friendly souvenirs and products
    3. Choose locally produced food for your meals
  11. Keeping bed bugs at bay

    1. Place your luggage in an empty bathtub upon returning.
    2. Bed bugs struggle to climb the slippery tub sides.
    3. Watch the video of Dr Hilary Jones useful tips for dealing with bed bugs.

Travelling the green way doesn’t mean compromising on convenience or fun. With a few mindful choices, you can explore the world while ensuring you’re doing your bit for the planet. After all, we owe it to the beautiful places we visit to keep them pristine for future generations. Safe travels!


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Note: please check the ingredients list of any products that you may wish to try and check for allergies or consult a medical professional for any existing conditions being impacted by switching to new products.

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