Guide to pet friendly food planning

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Guide to pet friendly food planning

When it comes to your pet’s food, there are several eco-friendly considerations:

  1. Buy in Bulk: Purchasing pet food in bulk helps reduce plastic waste from individual packaging and minimizes transportation costs by making fewer trips to the store. Look for brands that offer recycled or recyclable packaging. Whenever possible, choose package-free options to further reduce waste.

  2. Zero Waste Dog Food: Consider making your own dog food at home. Utilise nutritious, often wasted cuts of meat, raw and cooked vegetables like beans, carrots, potatoes, squash, and pumpkin. Ensure the food is safe for your specific breed of dog by conducting research and consulting your vet. Weekly meal prep can save you time. For smaller animals like rabbits and rodents, you can feed them vegetable scraps and use carrot sticks and broccoli as treats.

  3. DIY recipes: Explore homemade dog foods and dog treats recipes to ensure a plastic-free diet for your pet.

    1. Homemade pumpkin and peanut butter biscuits


      1. 2 ½ cups whole wheat flour
      2. 2 large eggs
      3. ½ cup canned pumpkin
      4. 2 tablespoons peanut butter
      5. ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon


      1. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees C.
      2. Combine flour, eggs, pumpkin, peanut butter, salt, and cinnamon in a bowl; stir with a spatula until combined.
      3. Transfer mixture to a work surface and work it with your hands until mixture starts to come together.
      4. Add 1 tsp of water at a time (only if needed) to help make the dough workable, but don’t add too much as it should be dry and stiff.
      5. Roll the dough to a thickness of 1/2 inch.
      6. Cut into 1/2-inch pieces and transfer to a baking sheet.
      7. Bake until dog treats are golden brown and crunchy, about 40 minutes. Let it cool before serving.
    2. Cooldown pet treats:

      1. Mix yoghurt with peanut butter, berries and fruits like banana, watermelons.
      2. Pour the mixture into a reusable container/ ice trays and freeze it.
      3. Your pets will enjoy these treats on hot days.
  4. Diet plan: Read about creating a suitable diet plan for your furry friend.

  5. Grow catnip: For your feline friends, consider growing catnip in containers to avoid it spreading too much. Keep the plants in a sunny spot with well-draining pots, and manage their height by pinching off leaves and snipping flowers when they reach six inches. Catnip can serve as a natural, eco-friendly treat.

  6. Bowls: Invest in food and water bowls made of metal, ceramic, or bamboo fibres for durability and sustainability.

  7. Zero waste chews: Keeps your dog busy for a long time and also cleans teeth and promotes dental health. Don’t give rawhide to your dogs, as a lot of chemicals are used to process it and it can also cause choking hazards. Antlers are a great choice for long lasting chews. You could also try single ingredient freeze dried or air dried treats.

  8. Sustainable products Check out Pet Sustainability Coalition, created in partnership with the WWF to learn more about food ingredient sourcings and ethical supply chains.


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Note: please check the ingredients list of any products that you may wish to try and check for allergies or consult a medical professional for any existing conditions being impacted by switching to new products.

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