Guide to minimalistic and sustainable lifestyle

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Guide to minimalistic and sustainable lifestyle

Minimalism is about having only the most essential possessions. It is the removal of distractions so one can focus on what is actually most important in life. In a consumerist society, minimalism is the novel force required to push the world away from the perils of global warming and catastrophic climate changes.

Water and Energy conservation

  1. Conserve water. Adopt low-flow faucets.
  2. Repair leaky faucets promptly.
  3. Shorten shower times and Turn off the tap.
  4. Switch to energy saver bulbs
  5. Unplug devices when not in use.
  6. Buy energy efficient.
  7. Turn off the lights when not in use.
  8. Think about solar and other energy sources.
  9. Get insulation done, reducing the usage of heaters.
  10. Beehive inspired the design for an affordable, natural air cooler:

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

  1. Host a yard sale.
  2. Swap clothes or do second hand shopping.
  3. Donate fabrics.
  4. Borrow, don’t buy.
  5. Get rid of all the junk.
  6. Reduce your book print.
  7. Go paperless.
  8. Fix broken things.
  9. Do composting.
  10. Make your own supplies.
  11. Follow the 3 R’s - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.


  1. Use natural brushes for cleaning dishes.
  2. Use cloth napkins over disposable ones.

Food & Grocery

  1. Keep cardboard boxes handy for taking items home when people forget their bag.
  2. Switch to reusable shopping bag and glass/metal food containers.
  3. Plant herbs and veggies in your backyard or balcony. Not only is it therapeutic, but you’re also guaranteed fresh and organic produce.
  4. Source local produce: Always try to source local products, supporting small-scale farmers and reducing carbon footprint.
  5. Do bulk shopping to minimize packaging waste and save on bulk discounts.
  6. Try to avoid products with plastic packaging as much as possible.
  7. Use wooden / metal cutlery
  8. Ditch disposable bowls.
  9. Make your own coffee. Use reusable coffee cups.
  10. Swap tea bags and use a tea strainer.
  11. Use silicone made food huggers.
  12. Use a pressure cooker.
  13. Cook with residual heat.
  14. Wrap greens in cloth to extend freshness.
  15. Rinse Berries With Vinegar : Rinsing berries with vinegar can help make the fruit last longer by eliminating bacteria and mold spores.
    • Add 1 cup of vinegar and 3 cups of water in a bowl and add berries.
    • Drain, and then rinse to remove the vinegar taste.
    • Pat dry or use a salad spinner to remove excess moisture and store.
  16. Support plastic free brands, zw brands
  17. Put new groceries in the back of fridge/cupboard
  18. Keep perishables in sight. Do a weekly audit of things going out of date so you can use them up quicker e.g use them for baking, smoothies, jams, concentrates, chutneys
  19. Use clear containers. For closed containers use labels for easy indentification.
  20. Look at alternatives. If fresh produce is consistently going to waste, turn them into concentrates, or not as healthy but swap to frozen alternatives
  21. Scraps for fertilizer, egg shell power on soil for calcium, coffee grounds for acidity, banana peels for potassium, citrus peels for cat deterrent
  22. Meal Plans : opt for meal plans to use what is already available
  23. Shopping ideas

Personal care

  1. Replace plastic toothbrushes with bamboo alternatives.
  2. Opt for metal or bamboo straws.
  3. Switch to shampoo bars and sustainable menstrual products.
  4. Use metal or wooden cutlery.

Embracing minimalism is more than a trend; it’s a necessary shift towards a sustainable future. Remember, every small step you take can have a profound impact. Start today, and let your actions contribute to a greener tomorrow.


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Note: please check the ingredients list of any products that you may wish to try and check for allergies or consult a medical professional for any existing conditions being impacted by switching to new products.

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Guide to a good night sleep


Guide to a good night sleep

Sleep is essential to keep our mind and body healthy. Adopt habits that help you achieve a good night of restful sleep.

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