Exercises for Seniors and all other ages

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Exercises for Seniors and all other ages

Regular exercise is a proven method to maintain mobility, balance and energy. This guide is focused on exercises for senior citizens and can be used by people of all ages.

  1. Walking: the simplest and accessible form of exercise.

    1. For the general population aim to walk 10,000 steps a day. For people with mobility issues and joint pain, aim for a smaller target number of steps a day. If required, break your walking sessions into multiple sessions during the day
    2. Check for walking groups in your area and turn the exercise into a social meetup
    3. Look out for walking routes through parks, gardens or create your own trail
    4. Invest in a good pair of headphones. Listen to an audiobook, your favourite music or even mediation clips during your walk
  2. Tai chi: is a gentle form of martial arts that combines deep breathing and slow deliberate movements.

Seated tai chi for back pain (15 mins):

Seated Tai Chi Exercises For Seniors (15 mins)

  1. Yoga:

Seated Easy Yoga for Senior Citizens (13 mins)

  1. Shoulder Flossing/ shoulder mobility:

    1. Tingling or weakness in your hands
    2. Pins and needles sensation in your fingertips
  2. Upper back: Watch this video to Improve your upper back felxibility

  3. Neck: Neck stretches for tight neck

  4. Water aerobics: has gained popularity over the recent years as the buoyancy of the water puts less stress on the joints therefore is an exercise that can be taken up by people suffering from arthritis and other forms of joint pain. Natural resistance from water offers an alternative to weights for strength training among seniors.

  5. Resistance band: Resistance bands are elastic bands of rubber used for strength training. These are cheap exercise items for your home and can help with strengthening your core, improve posture, balance and mobility.

  6. Dumbbell training: Use a set of light dumbbells for strength training. Dumbbells are used to isolate and strengthen muscle groups.

  7. Foam rolling: Foam rolling is a self-massaging technique using a foam roller or ball. It is also known as self-myofascial relief. Checkout the guide to foam rolling

  8. Referred pain: identifying where pain is coming from is important but do keep in mind referred pain which is when you have injury in one area of the body but your body feels pain somewhere else.

  9. Apley Scratch Test: is a shoulder flexibility test that evaluates the mobility and range of motion of the shoulder joint.

As with any strength training, to avoid injury or worsen any joint and muscle pain, ensure you are performing the exercises using the correct posture, at a slow speed and using light enough weight according to your ability.


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